Replication is the process of sharing information so as to ensure consistency between redundant resources, such as software or hardware components, to improve reliability, fault-tolerance, or accessibility. It could be data replication if the same data is stored on multiple storage devices, or computation replication if the same computing task is executed many times. A computational task is typically replicated in space, i.e. executed on separate devices, or it could be replicated in time, if it is executed repeatedly on a single device. (WIKI)
* Replicating user's data in different servers minimizes inter-server traffic for reads, but increases replication overhead !
(This has a negative impact on ;
- query execution times
- network traffic for updates and
- maintaining consistency across replicas.
Stateless application : is kind of an application that does not remember the user's previous actions. Eg: WorldWideWeb . However making the application remember previous actions of user is pretty useful . That's why, some extra mechanisms are being developed to remember configuration settings such as enabling cookies in HTTP protocol.
Scalability : A popular buzzword that refers to how well a hardware or software system can adapt to increased demands. For example, a scalable network system would be one that can start with just a few nodes but can easily expand to thousands of nodes. Scalability can be a very important feature because it means that you can invest in a system with confidence you won't outgrow it. (
Scaling ? There are two definitions for making a system scalable.
1) Vertical Scaling = Eg. adding more partitions - upgrading existing hardware. (Facebook scales its system across thousands of machines) * Vertical Scaling is generally too expensive!
2) Horizontal Scaling = It is a more cost effective approach. (Eg. adding more commodity servers into the system so that the workload can be shared among them ) *Thanks to the developments in Cloud computing, now it is easier to reinforce your system by removing the need to your own hardware and adding more VMs from the cloud. * Application front end is stateless which is a plus because the application can be started on new servers on demand. On the other hand, application back end keeps state which is a minus ( this is related to partition of data, if data is partitioned into separated divisions, horizontal scaling still exists
/This disadvantage of keeping state in backend might be explained comprehensively ! Please send me an email if you have a good example /
To be continued ...
What is Bloom filter ?
Hashing ? and Inconsistent Hashing ?
Attacks that we always hear about
Sybil Attacks :
The Sybil attack in computer security is an attack wherein a reputation system (like e-bay) is subverted by forging identities in peer-to-peer networks.-------------------------------------------------
What is dirty bit?
Sometimes CPU modifies a bit but does not write it back to the storage. In this case, that modified bit is called Dirty Bit. This bit is located in a cache or virtual storage.--------------------------------------------
References : The Little Engine(s) That Could: Scaling Online Social Networks Josep M. Pujol, Vijay Erramilli, Georgos Siganos, Xiaoyuan Yang Nikos Laoutaris, Parminder Chhabra, Pablo Rodriguez Telefonica Research { jmps, vijay, georgos, yxiao, nikos, pchhabra, pablorr }
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